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Syrian Weekly Brief - 16 July‏

kl:11,00 24|07|2012 Sawtalkurd

Top Stories
Death of key officials hastens regime collapse: The loss of senior security officials indicates that the collapse of the Syrian regime is drawing near. A bomb attack inside the Syrian national security headquarters in Damascus targeted the most senior members of Assad’s inner circle—known as the “crisis cell”—that has been directing the brutal crackdown on the opposition. The Syrian army said Defence Minister Gen. Dawoud Rajha and his deputy, Asef Shawkat, as well as the head of the regime's crisis cell Gen. Hassan Turkmani and Minister of Interior Mohammad Shaar were all killed in the explosion. State television also confirmed the death of Syria's intelligence chief Hisham Bakhtiar, who had also been injured in the explosion.

Rebels gain control of key neighbourhoods and crossings in the north: The Syrian regime started losing control of the country’s north after rebels took control of three major crossings of Bab al-Hawa, Bab al-Salam and Bab al-Salama on the border with Turkey and the main Abu Kamal and Yaroubiya posts on the border with Iraq, as well as large areas around the border crossing. Rebels also seized power in the Aleppo suburbs of Menbej and Ezaz after heavy clashes with regime forces, which sustained heavy losses.

Regime reliance on heavy weaponry to combat the uprising leads to increase in violence and casualties: More than 1,260 people were killed since heavy clashes between the rebels and regime forces in Damascus began on July 16. As regime forces struggle to contain the swelling uprising, it is relying more on the use of heavy weaponry and military gunships. The death toll will increase in the upcoming week, as clashes intensify and spread throughout the city of Aleppo.

Uprising Developments
Rebels launch Damascus and Aleppo offensives: For the first time, there was heavy fighting in the centres of Syria’s two largest cities, indicating that the country is heading toward full-scale war between the rebels and regime forces. The Free Syrian Army joint command announced the launch of the “Damascus Volcano” offensive against regime forces in the capital in retaliation for the crimes and massacres committed by Assad’s regime. On the second consecutive day of heavy fighting, the Free Syrian Army reached the neighbourhood of Mohajerein, just a few hundred meters from Bashar al-Assad’s presidential palace. The rebels also launched an operation to capture the city of Aleppo. Regime forces used helicopter gunships and heavy weaponry, prompting a mass exodus from the city.

Unprecedented military defectionsThe death of several top regime officials shook the ranks of the Syrian army, prompting the defection of scores of senior officers and hundreds of soldiers throughout the country, mainly in Daraa and Homs. This week, another high-ranking officer from Tlas family, Col. Pilot Zaid Tlas. Chief of Military Security in Aleppo Gen. Mohammad Mefleh and Commander-in-Chief of the131st artillery brigade Col. Brig. Mohammad Taha also defected. An army general and 21 other military officers fled to Turkey, and at least 400 soldiers also defected—including three generals in the town of Tal Shihab in the province of Daraa and Homs, in addition to several police offers in Damascus. The defection of high-ranking officers with information on the regime’s military strategy provides rebels with the ability to launch more organized attacks and better predict the regime’s actions.

EU adds 26 individuals on the sanctionslist: European Union member states reached a deal Thursday on a significant new package of sanctions on Syria, including ordering member states to search ships and planes suspected of carrying arms to the country. Measures include sanctions on 26 individuals, who will be subject to asset freezes and travel bans to Europe. These measures tighten the grip on the regime’s arms supply, which could give an advantage to the rebels, who are seeking heavy and advanced weapons. The result could rectify the current arms imbalance that has thus far benefitted the regime.

UK freezes Syrian assets: The British government has frozen about GBP 100 million (USD 157 million) of assets owned by members of the Syrian regime. The move will increase the pressure on Assad’s family to leave the country.

International Reactions
Arabs increase pressure on Assad: Regional rejection of Assad’s crackdown is escalating, with more Arab governments pressuring him to step down. On Monday, Morocco ordered the Syrian ambassador to leave the North African kingdom and called for a transition to democracy in Syria. Damascus retaliated by declaring the Moroccan ambassador to Syria persona non grata.

Russia and China continue to support the regime: Russia and China continue to enable the regime to carry out attacks on civilians and perpetrate massacres by blocking international measures. On Thursday, the countries vetoed a Western-backed UN Security Council resolution that threatened Syrian authorities with sanctions if they did not stop using heavy weapons against the opposition and withdraw troops from towns and cities.

Fears mount over Syria’s chemical weapons: A senior Syrian military defector said Assad’s forces were moving chemical weapons across the country for possible use in a military retaliation for the killing of four top security officials. Israel said on Friday it would consider military action if needed to ensure Syrian missiles and chemical weapons did not reach President Bashar al-Assad’s allies in Lebanon, the Shi’ite Islamist movement Hezbollah.

Syrian Press Focus
Funeral ceremony held for Assad’s top three officials:Syrian media covered the funeral in Damascus for Assad’s top three security officials, his brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, Defence Minister Dawood Rajha and veteran army general Hassan Turkmani, who were killed in an a blast targeting the National Security building on Wednesday. State television also confirmed the death of Syria’s intelligence chief Hisham Bakhtiar, who was injured in the explosion.

Regime highlights abuses in Israeli prisons while continuing its own atrocities:In a move to obscure abuses inside its own prisons, Syrian state media criticized the UN’s reaction to the ill treatment of Palestinian children detained in Israeli prisons.

New defence minister appointment indicates regime’s internal turmoil:Following the assassinationof  Defense Minister Daod Rajha on Wednesday, Assad appointed general Fahad Farij on the same day and then replaced him with veteran army general Ali Ayoub on Sunday. The change highlights the regime’s floundering the loss of top four officials.

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