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Report for Sunday, July 22, 2012:

kl:11,45 23|07|2012 Sawtalkurd

Today, with great concern and condemnation, we received reports of continued killings, torture, arbitrary detentions, abductions, forced displacements and massacres using heavy weapons, armored vehicles, helicopters, and terrorist bombings by Assad militias, in addition to committing systematic and widespread violations of human rights against Syrian citizens.  These violations are a flagrant deprivation of the Syrian people’s right to life, freedom of expression, peaceful demonstrating, while being subjected to arbitrary arrest, torture, forced displacement, and systemic destruction of some cities, neighborhoods, and historic sites. In addition to destroying and burning homes, forests, and crops to express barbarism, brutality, and extreme violence through shelling using artillery, heavy weapons, and helicopters to face the legitimate peaceful protests right in front of the entire world.

The number of those killed on Sunday, July 22, 2012, by Assad forces reached more than 130, among them 6 children, 3 women, and 2 killed under torture. Of the fallen heroes, there were 56 in Damascus and Damascus Suburbs, 18 in Aleppo, 13 in Daraa, 12 in Idlib, 10 in Homs, 11 in Deir EzZor, 5 in Hama, 2 in Qunaitera, and one in each of Lattakia, Banyas, and Raqqa, not to mention tens of injured civilians, along with widespread arbitrary detention campaigns.

Here are the names of some of those who were killed and identified:

Qassem Murad – Ghouta
Diab Al-Aakla – Qusair
Abdelmajeed Al-Raheel – Qusair
Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Daheek, 50 years old – Talbisel
Hayan Ismail – Bab Sbaa
Alaa Kardoush Farzat, a little girl – Rastan
Ahmad Kashouha – Rastan – Gharnata
Maryam Al-Sheikh Ali – Rastan
Noufa Zanad – Rastan
Khalil Ammar – Rastan

Mahmoud Ibn Hamid Aasi, 27 years old – Sakhour
Asaad Faisal Aagha, a lawyer – Kasibiyeh
Muhammad Imad – Kasibiyeh
2 unidentified people – Hamdaniyeh
Hassan Mahmoud Jabli, 26 years old, father of 3 – Tareeq Al-Bab
Muhammad Al-Sattouf, 25 years old – Deir Haffer
Abo Waheed, 60 years old, was living alone – Deir Haffer
Mahrous Sheikh Ahmad – Nerab
Mustafa Hasan Memad, 36 years old, married and father of 4 – Izaz
Maher Husni Sheikho, father of 2 – Izaz
Abdullah Addel Kanno – Izaz
Ahmad Ibrahim Akkash (Antabi) – Izaz
Mutee Ibn Maaroof Houri, 24 years old – Salah El-Deen
Mosaab Shaabouq, 17 years old – Bestan Al-Qasr
Rima Al-Ahmad, 60 year old woman – Arshaf – Haidariyeh
Hussein Jaao, 28 years old

Damascus Suburbs
Muhammad Ward Hamoud, a child – Arbeen
Khalid Murad – Zabadani
Sally Tayseer Tarjman, 30 years old – Hamma
Fayes Ahmad Al-Rashed – Hamma
Maryam Ahmad Al-Homsi, a little girl – Hamma – Worood neighborhood
Waseem Abdelkareem Al-Moadamani – Dhumayr
Ayman Shamma – Daraya
6 unidentified people, were taken out of the car that was carrying them and publicly executed – Dhumayr
Ahmad Muhammad Naqrash – Dhumayr
Mahmoud Darwish, publicly executed – Dhumayr

Deir EzZor
Shadi Ahmad Al-Abdullah, originally from Mohsen – Rasafa
Abboud Mahmoud Khudair
Ali Rajab Aagha Al-Hatroush – Bokamal
Shamel Dawod Al-Jamyan, killed in Jisr Al-Durra – Hweqa
Tahseen Muhammad Aalawi Al-Abdullah – Khasarat
Yasser Zamen Al-Moussa, killed in front of Al-Saai hospital – Jourah
Abboud Mahmoud Al-Safar
Bashar Hamadi Al-Abdullah, originally from Mohsen – Rasafa
Radhi Ismail Al-Muhammad, killed in Damascus – Daraya
Sultan Hakim Al-Jassem, from Idlib – Kasra
Jassem Khalil Al-Hussein, from Daraa – Kasra

Muhammad Abdelfattah, 15 years old – Tabqa

Bilal Al-Saeed – Hama
Ahmad Abdeljabbar Zaqzouq – Hadher
Imad Muhammad Al-Othman – Latamneh
Mulham Aarbash, 26 years old, mentally disabled – Janoub Al-Malaab neighborhood

Shafee Abdelqadder Zreqat – Daraa-Balad
Ahmad Shehada Abo Naboot – Basra
Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Darwish – Maaraba
Akram Al-Hamdan – Maaraba
Muhammad Al-Bedewi – Maaraba
Bilal Khalifa Al-Abboud – Naima
Milad Rushdi Al-Khalaf – Sheikh Meskeen
Nidhal Awais – Inkhel
Samir Yousef Abo Nukta, 40 years old – Taffas
Hisham Al-Frewan – Msefrah
Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Wadi – Harra
Muhammad Abdelatif Al-Salim Ibn Abo Qaddour – Sahwa

Waleed Shreqi – Rabiaa village

Ahmad Ibrahim (Abo Ziad)

Khalid Haidar, 90 years old – Maaret Numan
Khairiyeh Khalid Manfoukh – Maaret Numan
Mahmoud Al-Doudi – Maaret Numan
Badr Al-Jabbar Muhammad Shahoud – Sarmin
Jamall Ghabsha, at Bilal mosque
Mahrous Al-Sheikh Ahmad – Nerab town
Lamis Al-Hasan, a little girl – Basames village
Mustafa Yousef Al-Ahmad
Mustafa Arnous – Armanaz
Riyad Shaaban - Idlib

We, in the Human Right Bureau of the Syrian National Council, extend our deepest condolences to the families of the fallen heroes, wishes for the speedy recovery of those wounded, and wishes for the release of the detained. We strongly condemn and denounce the behavior of the Assad regime in carrying out the violence, killing, massacres, and crimes against humanity, in addition to the arbitrary arrests, systemic torture, rape, forced displacement, and kidnappings in facing the peaceful protests and legitimate demands of the Syrian people who are expressing their desire for freedom and their legitimate rights in toppling the criminal regime that has been stripped of its legitimacy. We turn to human rights organizations, the Arab League, and the Friends of Syria, and plead with them and the rest of the free world to work immediately by pressuring the Assad regime for the purpose of achieving the following:

- Declare the failure of the UN monitors mission, instead of extending it, which shows the international community’s inability to achieve anything; declare the failure of the Arab-International Kofi Annan plan, because of the regime’s lack of commitment and Annan’s inability to deal with it; respond to the lack of commitment to the initiative by issuing more powerful and effective decisions with clearer and more time-bound executive mechanisms pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter because of the Russian and Chinese vetoes, which has made it crucial that the Friends of Syria work outside the framework of the Security Council to help the Syrian people in protecting civilians and ousting the regime by imposing a no-fly zone and establishing safe areas and buffers, and move to action rather than words in supporting the Free Syrian Army; seriously lobby with each of Iran, Russia, and China to take a more neutral position and stop their support of the criminal regime; move quickly to cover humanitarian needs of the Syrian people; aid and life the siege off the disaster stricken cities; expel all the regime’s diplomats and ambassadors and sever all diplomatic relations with the regime.

We also demand that the UN Security Council immediately adopts and implements the Human Rights Council’s latest decision regarding referring the file of the regime’s officials responsible for committing the crimes against humanity to the International Criminal Court and compelling the regime to accept that an international investigation committee investigates the massacres. We also plead with nations to which Syrians were forced to migrate to treat the Syrian people in a humane and decent manner worthy of humans who deserve freedom and dignity.  Furthermore, we invite the international community to assist those countries which are hosting Syrian refugees. 

جميع الحقوق محفوظة @ 2015 صـــوت الكـــــورد sawtalkurd .

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